Olympia Locksmith

Locked Out? 5 Essential Tips to Get Back Into Your Home

emergency locksmith in providence RI

You have accidentally locked yourself out of your house. Now you are not sure what to do in this situation. 

If you can resonate with the above statement then don’t worry as we can help you get out of trouble. In this blog, we are sharing five useful tips that you can use to get out of trouble. But in case you are unable to solve the issue on your own then you should call a residential locksmith to get the perfect solution.  

5 Useful Tips You Can Use To Get Back into Your House

Check Other Doors

This is one of the most obvious steps to take when you are stuck out of your home. But it will only work if you forget to lock other exit doors. So, check all the entry points like garage or side doors and you may end up finding an opening. 

Note: Don’t put extra force on any of the doors otherwise you may end up damaging the lock mechanism. 

Find Someone Who May Have the Spare Key

Different people can have your spare key depending on your living situation. For example, if you own a house then one of your family members may have another key. But if you rent then you can connect with your landlord and inform them about your current situation. 

You can also connect with a residential locksmith to solve your issue in case none of the options are valid for you. 

Use Your Credit Card 

Some people don’t like this technique, but you can utilize it in case of emergency. However, do remember that it will only work if you have a spring latch. It does not work on deadbolts. 

Pick a card that has been laminated as these are usually more flexible and function better. When attempting this technique do not use a card that you frequently use as the approach can damage it. 

Important: If you can get in using a card then immediately contact a residential locksmith to get a new and more secure lock. As you have already seen the vulnerability of your current lock.  

Also Read: When to Call a Locksmith – 10 Signs You Need Professional Help

Remove the Doorknob

Removing the doorknob can work for you only if you know a little about locks and doors. 

Grab a screwdriver, as you are locked out you may borrow it from one of your neighbors. Now, use the screwdriver and remove the exterior door knob. Just look for the small latch near the base of the knob and push it to get it out of the way. Now finally use the screwdriver to pull the latch back. 

Note: In case you are unfamiliar with the lock mechanism you should not attempt this option as you may end up damaging your lock.   

Call a Locksmith

It is time to call for a professional residential locksmith if nothing else is working for you. A locksmith has the necessary experience and tools to help you get inside your home within no time. So, if you are unable to use any DIY methods for unlocking your door you should ask for professional help. 

How to Prevent Home Lockouts?

Give a Spare to a Neighbor

It is always a good idea to keep a spare key. But it may not help you in a lockout if you are keeping it inside your house. So, to make the best use of the spare try to find a trustworthy neighbor and give it to him or her. This approach will help you to stay out of trouble whenever you lose or forget your original keys. 

Opt for a Keyless or Smart Lock

Some people think that a keyless or a smart lock option is expensive. However, this is not true as it is a one-time investment for your own safety. Investing in technology can provide an extra layer of security for your house. Moreover, it will allow you to easily unlock your house via an app or PIN code and save you from the struggles of being locked out. 

However, it is important to ensure that you are calling an experienced residential locksmith who knows how to install keyless lock systems. 

Don’t Forget Your Keys 

It is a bad habit to forget or lose keys. So try to maintain a habit where you always keep your keys and wallet around you.. It will help you to not forget them when you are leaving. Or it will be even better if you can always keep the keys inside your pockets. It will allow you to easily get into your house as you will not forget them anywhere. 

Do You Need Help in Getting Inside Your Home? 

A lockout is always a frustrating situation. It can get even worse if you don’t have a spare key. As you may need to break into your house that can damage the security of your house. If you want to get into your house without breaking in you should contact a professional residential locksmith

So if you need expert help to get into your house feel free to contact Olympia Locksmith. We are here to help you 24/7.